"C Troop Royal Horse Artillery coming into action at the Battle of Balaclava"
Ref: DR023
by David Rowlands
Image Size 58 x 38 cm
25 October 1854: While the British and French armies besieged Sevastopol, a field army commanded by Prince Menschikoff concentrated for an attack on the allied positions. They captured the redoubts on the Causeway Heights. All that stood between the Russian advance and Balaclava, which was the British supply base, was Sir Colin Campbell's force of Highlanders. Coming to their support, the Heavy Brigade of British cavalry charged the main body of Russian cavalry.
C Troop RHA had just returned from a daybreak parade at Inkerman, when the orders for reinforcements arrived. Captain Brandling made all speed with his guns, and reached the right rear of the Heavy Brigade as it was advancing to the charge. They unlimbered and came into action, firing on the Russian cavalry at a range of 700 or 800 yards, preventing all attempts by the enemy to rally.
In the Crimea, C Troop was equipped with four 9-pounder guns and two 24-pounder howitzers.