"Heavy mortars of the Dutch Marines in action, Mount Igman, Bosnia, August 1995"
Ref: DR080
by David Rowlands
Size: 58 x 38 cm
August 1995: Eerste Mortier Compagnie Korps Mariniers, Operatie PEGASUS. Mount Igman, near Sarajevo.
The British and Dutch artillery, established on the commanding feature of Mount Igman, were firing down at the Serbs who were besieging Sarajevo. This was known as Operation PEGASUS. The artist was based with the Royal Artillery on Mount Igman, and through the initiative of Lt Colonel Patrick Cammaert RNLMC, this painting was commissioned by the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps.
The No.1 commanding the nearest mortar (holding a white notepad) is Korporal Gaspers. Rocky outcrops of limestone are scattered about the ground.
The Commander-in-Chief Royal Netherlands Navy, Vice-Admiral L. Kroon, presented the painting to the Commandant of the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, in the presence of HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, at the opening of the new Museum of the Korps Mariniers in Rotterdam, 8th December 1995.