"Soldiers First"
Ref: DR092
by David Rowlands
Size 58 x 38 cm
On 15th January 2007, Zulu Company of 45 Commando Royal Marines crossed the Helmand River to assault the Taliban stronghold of Jugroom Fort, near Garmsir, southern Afghanistan. Following heavy casualties the attack was called off, but during the reorganization Lance Corporal Mathew Ford RM was unaccounted for.
Two Apache helicopter crews from 656 Squadron Army Air Corps confirmed the location of the casualty lying near the forts outer wall. Four volunteers from the IX Group, Captain D. Rigg RE, WO1 (RSM) C. Hearn RM, and Marines C. Fraser-Perry and G. Robinson, were flown into the enemy stronghold while sitting on the wings of the two Apaches. Helicopter pilots WO1 Ed Macy and Staff Sergeant K. Armatage dismounted with the four Commandos to recover the fatally wounded Marine. Despite coming under heavy machine-gun fire, they carried him back and secured him to the footstep of ZJ224.
All the personnel returned to their aircraft, and Staff Sergeant C. Bird and WO1 D. OMalley succeeded in flying to safety without further casualties. For this audacious mission, WO1 D. OMalley was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. WO1 Ed Macy, Staff Sergeant K. Armatage and Captain D. Rigg RE were each awarded the Military Cross.
In the Army Air Corps the pilots called themselves 'Soldiers first; pilots second.' I flew to Helmand with the RSM of 9 Regiment to see the Apache helicopters in operation and gain details of Jugroom Fort. I interviewed Capt Rigg, WO1 Hearn, and all the pilots to achieve accuracy in this painting.