"Fighting Logisticians"
Ref: DR095
by David Rowlands
Size 58 x 38 cm
Operation LOAM was the code name for the overland re-supply of rations, water, fuel and ammunition from Camp Bastion to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Robinson, in the upper Sangin valley. The convoy of vehicles, called a Combat Logistic Patrol (CLP), took place once every three to four weeks. Typically, there were 15 to 20 task vehicles plus force protection, medical and recovery vehicles, and perhaps external force protection provided by combat units of Task Force Helmand, making a total of around 50 (sometimes up to 80) vehicles.
In this scene, the Combat Logistic Patrol is arriving at FOB Robinson. The Command and Control Vehicle (a Pinzgauer Vector) has halted and the CLP commander has dismounted with his driver and two others. One of the lead force protection vehicles (a WMIK) has halted and its commander is walking over to them.
4 Logistic Support Regt RLC deployed to Operation HERRICK 6 from March to September 2007. The Regiment, commanded by Lt Col Darrell Amison, provided the heart of the UK Logistic Battalion. I visited their HQ at Camp Bastion where a squadron commander showed me the vehicles formed up.