"The storming of Objective FAN (Zumbelay) "
Ref: DR096
by David Rowlands
Size 58 x 38 cm
On 19th September 2007, the 2 MERCIAN (Worcesters & Foresters) Battle Group launched Operation PALK WAHEL (Hammer Strike) into the upper Gereshk Valley, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The main objective was the Taliban-held town of Zumbelay, code-named 'FAN', which lies to the east of the Helmand River in the notorious green zone, an area of dense vegetation and irrigation ditches. The FAN was vital ground to the enemy and their centre of gravity.
At 0400 hrs, from east of the FAN, the assault was launched by C Company to secure the bridgehead (code-named STOREY ARMS) across a major canal, using an Infantry Assault Bridge. D Company provided fire support from a hillside to the south-east, code-named SUGAR LOAF. Simultaneously, B Company, from the west bank of the Helmand River, struck key targets on the enemys flank, blocking his escape routes over the river. Once STOREY ARMS was secure, C Company expanded the bridgehead on the west bank of the canal under heavy fire to allow A (Grenadier) Company to move forward across the bridge and begin the clearance of the FAN.
After hours of intense fighting in the heavily defended area, the Battle Group secured Zumbelay, thus opening a route into the Upper Gereshk valley, previously barred by a determined and well-resourced enemy. The battle was not without cost, as Colour Sergeant P Newman and Private B Tunnicliffe were killed. Of the Battalions many fights during Operation HERRICK 6, this action was notable as the only battle in which all its companies took part, and was the first action of the newly formed Mercian Regiment.