A fire-team of 4 gunners and air defence assets at an airfield in the desert. The fire-team leader (a corporal) operating the radio has wings on his right upper sleeve, signifying he is from 2 Squadron RAF Regiment. His rifle is the SA80 Mk2; attached to the muzzle is an RGGS (Rifle Grenade. Green denotes anti-personnel). Attached to the side of the SUSAT sight is an additional sight for the RGGS. At left, a gunner carries the L86A2 (Light Support Weapon or LSW). At the rear, a man has an SA80, with LAW 80 on his back. At right is a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) with a belt of 4 B1T ammunition (4 ball, one tracer). Each man has the Personal Role Radio (PRR) and a pressel switch strapped to his rifle.
The hardened aircraft shelters (HAS) in the background are distinctive of Ali Al Salem, Kuwait. (They were all damaged by Allied bombers in 1991, and remain unused by aircraft). At far right, under camouflage nets, is the prototype Biological Detection System (PBDS) of the Joint NBC Regiment (comprising 1 Royal Tank Regiment and 27 Squadron RAF Regiment).