" 'Zulu !' "
Ref: DR122
by David Rowlands
Image Size 58 x 38 cm
Zulu Company of the First Fusiliers Battle Group in the attack on Bridge 4, Basra, on the evening of 22nd March 2003.
I travelled to this spot in Sgt Jason Wellards Warrior, and sketched the soldiers as they took up position here. Jason, the 12 platoon sergeant, carrying a 350 radio on his back, controls the fire support group. He is kneeling with his SA80 rifle in hand, giving target indications to the soldier beside him who is firing illumination rounds from the 51mm mortar.
Beyond them the platoon commander, Lt Chris Rees-Gay (with radio pack) and three section commanders are planning the attack. Firing its chain gun and flying the red and white pennant is Zero Bravo, the command Warrior of the Z Company commander, Major McSporran.
The four Warriors of 10 Platoon are crossing the bridge; the commanders of the two leading Warriors fire Schermuly flares to illuminate the ground in front of them.