"Corporal CJG ('Fred') Comber MC and crew in action on Bridge 4, Basra"
Ref: DR125
by David Rowlands
Image Size 58 x 38 cm
This painting was commissioned by the Headquarters of the REME to depict one of several missions during Operation TELIC 1 in which Corporal Comber displayed extraordinary courage and which led to his investiture of a Military Cross.
On 24 March 2003, Z Company of the 1st Fusiliers Battlegroup was ordered to attack the enemy to the north of the Shatt al Basrah waterway. A Challenger 2 tank from 3 Troop, C Squadron of The Queens Royal Lancers (QRL) became immobilised on the bridge as a result of mechanical failure and became the focus for sustained and accurate enemy direct and indirect fire. Corporal Comber who was serving with QRL LAD (Light Aid Detachment) immediately, and of his own volition, took his recovery vehicle (CRARRV) forward and under fire he and his crew recovered the stricken tank.
Fred removed his crew-guard helmet and radio head-set. As he emerged from the hatch of his CRARRV he picked up his Mark 6 helmet, which he donned after stepping down onto the road.