"Kicking in the Door "
Ref: DR138
by David Rowlands
Size 58 x 38 cm
21st March 2003: 26 Armoured Engineer Squadron was the lead element of 15th (US) Marine Expeditionary Unit. After a reconnaissance of the enemy side of the bund by the reconnaissance sergeant (Staff Sgt McLean), an Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (AVRE) made an 8 metre-wide gap with its dozer blade, while Field Sections defiled the approach route. An Armoured Vehicle Launching Bridge (AVLB) drove through the breach and laid its No.10 Bridge across the anti-tank ditch, to allow the vanguard of 2/1 Battalion Landing Team to advance into enemy territory at 0254 hours on 21st March, 2003. The breach was known as Breach Point 3.
The Warrior of the squadron commander (Major Jonathan Acornley RE) still bears the painted letters 'KFOR' on its armoured sides, a legacy of its service in the NATO-led Kosovo Force. The AVRE (call sign 31A) was fitted with a dozer blade called a Bulk Earth Moving Attachment (BEMA), and was painted desert yellow and green. It was commanded by Corporal Harris, driven by Sapper Thomas, with Lance Corporal Jameson on the radios and Sapper Grafton as crewman.
The AVLB (call sign 31D) was painted desert yellow and green, and was commanded by Corporal Johnson, driven by Sapper Bardsly with Sapper Nichol at the radios. A US Marine Corps Surveillance and Target Acquisition Team with snipers has deployed from a High Mobility Motorized Vehicle ('Humvee') to the bund. They wear US woodland camouflage NBC suits and body armour. All of the personnel of 26 Armoured Engineer Squadron had SUSAT sights attached to their SA80 rifles.