Classic Planes And Battles of the Post War Fleet Air Arm
Westland Wyverns from HMS Eagle attack the bridge at Gamil during the Suez Crisis.
Original Oil Painting : £Sold
30 A3plus Veteran Signed Limited Edition Prints Price : Available late 2005
750 A3plus Limited Edition Prints Price : £35
During the Suez Crisis of 1956 on the 3rd of November, HMS Eagle's air group took on the Gamil Bridge a solid causeway, west of Port Said, the coastal link to Alexandria. Sea Hawks and Westland Wyvems divebombed it, but the bridge survived and a Wyvem was shot down. The pilot Lt.D.F. MacCarthy used his ejection seat and came down in the sea only 4,000 yards from a hostile shore battery. Aircraft from Eagle and Bulwark maintained a CAP overhead until the pilot was rescued by helicopter from Eagle. The picture shows a Wyvem from 830 Sqd heading back towards the scene as MacCarthy's damaged plane begins its descent towards the sea.