"The Royal Dragoon Guards, Iraq 2004-05"
Ref: DR121
by David Rowlands
Giclee Print
58 x 38 cm
For Operation TELIC 5 the Royal Dragoon Guards deployed to Iraq in October 2004 with three company-sized sabre squadrons, multi-roled for a variety of light and dismounted roles. They also took two half squadrons of Challenger 2 tanks plus HQ Squadron and the Battlegroup Headquarters.
They were initially tasked with rear operations, which included providing convoy escorts. They found themselves quelling inter-tribal fighting north of Basrah. In late December a patrol was involved in a large fire-fight, beating off an attempted ambush by insurgents. The Regiment was then allotted responsibility for the southern half of Basrah Province in time for the Iraqi elections at the end of January. They then assumed responsibility for security sector reform, in other words, training and then mentoring the Iraqi security forces. One half squadron were engaged in similar operations with the Welsh Guards Battlegroup in Al Amarah. By midway through the tour, the Royal Dragoon Guards were responsible for security in half of Basrah province and much of Maysan.
The Regiment returned from Iraq in late April 2005.