"Attack on the Bridge at Gamil"
Ref: ML010
by Mark Littlejohn
Limitede Edition of 750 prints, size A3
Classic Planes And Battles of the Post War Fleet Air Arm
Westland Wyverns from HMS Eagle attack the bridge at Gamil during the Suez Crisis.
Original Oil Painting : £Sold
30 A3plus Veteran Signed Limited Edition Prints Price : Available late 2005
750 A3plus Limited Edition Prints Price : £35
During the Suez Crisis of 1956 on the 3rd of November, HMS Eagle's air group took on the Gamil Bridge a solid causeway, west of Port Said, the coastal link to Alexandria. Sea Hawks and Westland Wyvems divebombed it, but the bridge survived and a Wyvem was shot down. The pilot Lt.D.F. MacCarthy used his ejection seat and came down in the sea only 4,000 yards from a hostile shore battery. Aircraft from Eagle and Bulwark maintained a CAP overhead until the pilot was rescued by helicopter from Eagle. The picture shows a Wyvem from 830 Sqd heading back towards the scene as MacCarthy's damaged plane begins its descent towards the sea.