"The Jersey Bounce"
Ref: ML011
by Mark Littlejohn
Limitede Edition of 750 prints, size A3
Air Battles Over The Western Front
The B17f Jersey Bounce Jnr comes under heavy Luftwaffe attack over Holland.
On Dec 20th 1943 the B-17 Jersey Bounce Jnr of the 358rd BS from the 303rd BG was crippled by flak during an attack against Bremen. With No 1 engine feathered and No 4 engine windmilling out of control the plane dropped out of formation. Capt. Hungerford and his co-pilot struggle to maintain height and head for home. German Fighters lined up to attack.
The B-17's gunners knocked down four of them but the enemy followed them out over the North Sea until convinced the plane was doomed, turned back to Germany.
Out of gas but within site of the East Anglian coast the plane ditched, the crew being rescued, despite terrible wounds T/Sgt Vosler the radio operator remained at his post and attempted to man the tail gun to ward off the german fighters. For his valour he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour.