"Eye of the Storm - The Dambusters"
Ref: SWA-PW18
by Philip E. West
Limited Edition of 350
Size: 15.75 in x 25 in approx
Wing Commander Guy Gibsons aircraft in the foreground and Flt. Lt. Martins in the distance, both draw flak away from Sqn. Ldr. Youngs Lancaster after it has dropped its Bouncing Bomb and makes its escape over the Mohne Dam.
Lead by Wing Commander Guy Gibson, 19 Lancaster's departed their home base in three waves, each aircraft armed with a single bouncing bomb developed by Barnes Wallis. The targets were German dams in the heart of the industrial Ruhr. The resulting attacks breached the Mohne and Eder Dams with attempts also on the Sorpe and Schwelme Dams. For his leadership and courage, Gibson was awarded the Victoria Cross. 34 other men also received decorations.